Alexander Hundeshagen

reputativ GmbH
+49 531 37960070

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    I have read the Privacy Policy and agree that the data I enter in the contact form will be collected and stored electronically and I may be contacted by reputativ GmbH by e-mail for advertising purposes regarding my reputation on the Internet. I can revoke this consent at any time.

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    Reputational displacement

    Suppression is creating new relevant content that spreads and generates more attention. By suppressing negative comments, they no longer appear in search results and have no potential to be picked up for discussion by the user community.

    creative minds
    Satisfied costumers

    Suppressing negative search results with reputativ®

    Gaining ratings

    Build trust through positive and neutral reviews from new customers using an individual review acquisition strategy.

    Reputational damage

    Avert reputation-damaging posts on the web with positive feedback and strengthen them with more relevant content.


    Increase reach through the targeted placement of appropriate content and strong advertorials on high-class portals.

    Our know-how

    Many years of knowledge and outstanding expertise in all forms of suppression and placement of positive content.

    Strong brands trust our expertise

    Our clients

    Gebr Heinemann
    Sparkasse Nürnberg
    TUI Cruises

    “Brands need time – and give valuable time in a crisis.”
    Sven Reinecke

    Strengthen your market position

    Negative or reputation-damaging comments in forums, blogs, or portals damage your company’s reputation. With the help of suppression, you can win new customers, reactivate existing customers and strengthen your position in the market.

    We focus on suppressing comments that damage your image to develop a positive reputation. This is achieved by creating new, positive stimuli. As reputation experts, we at reputativ®, create high-quality, search-engine-optimised web profiles. We optimise professional articles and press releases and give fruitful signals to increase search engine relevance, thus displace weaker web content. Skills and knowledge of search engine optimisation (SEO) are just as much a part of this as a certain flair for neutral or positive writing.

    Our team

    Your reputation experts

    Alexander Hundeshagen
    reputativ GmbH
    Martin Wicke
    Managing Director Marketing & Sales
    Inquiry & Contact
    Damm 17,
    38100 Braunschweig

    All locations
    Inquire now without obligation

      I have read the Privacy Policy and agree that the data I enter in the contact form will be collected and stored electronically and I may be contacted by reputativ GmbH by e-mail for advertising purposes regarding my reputation on the Internet. I can revoke this consent at any time.